So, it's given me an ideal opportunity to tend to my garden. I was worried - having left it for a week - that the new rose would not have survived, with no one to water it and talk to it (obviously!). Anyway, it has positively flourished in my absence.
I sniffed the biggest flower, expecting something gorgeous but it had no scent. Then I panicked and thought, "did I order something with no smell?". Apparently, it's got a "fresh, fruity fragrance" so maybe it's early days. It's such a pretty flower that I am really happy with my choice.
Thank you for your lovely message, which I insisted on reading over the table at brunch,causing GG to raise an eyebrow and long fervently for an unconnected world as I waxed lyrical on the warm embracing nature of the blogosphere. He is such a sodding luddite. You made my day love. LLGxx